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How to make a coming soon page using Elementor [updated-22]

If you are running a website, often you have to temporarily shut it down. The reasons may be upgrading, errors, server changing, etc. At that particular time, you must let your visitors know that your site is down for a limited time. For that, a coming soon page is definitely needed. Today we will show how you can easily make a coming soon page for your website using Elementor.

Make a coming soon page using Elementor

The first thing to do here is to make a page that contains your specific message. At Element Pack, you will get 2300+ ready blocks for these cases. So, we will skip the page creating process and move on to the main part.

coming soon template

First, go to your dashboard and access the Element Pack template library. In short,
Go to WP Dashboard> Element Pack> Template Library.

From there, select the template for making a coming soon page. Note that, good graphical representation will not bore out the visitors.


After that, import that template into Elementor template library or bring it to a new page and save it as a template.


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Check into page Settings

Now comes the real part. Once your template is ready, you have to access Elementor’s settings for the final game.


Go to Elementor> Tools. Here, you can see 4 different sections for customization. However, all of this section holds critical website control.

coming soon page settings

Now, from the Maintenance Mode section, you have to choose Coming Soon from the Choose Mode option. As for the appearance, select the template you had imported from the Choose Template option. Now hit Save Changes and your coming soon page is set to action.


As soon as you save it, the page reloads and will show Maintenance Mode On title at the top of your dashboard in a red box.

page settings

However, you can choose who can still see your website avoiding the Maintenance mode from the Who Can Access option. Once done, save changes and logout.

coming soon page

This is the Coming Soon page your visitors will see every time they try to access your site. As long as you have logged on using admin panel, you won’t see this page. So, anyone without access or any visitors will see the coming soon page on accessing your website.

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That’s it. It is a very simple step of making a coming soon notification on your website. With the current template we are using, you can set a timer to show the remaining time before reopening your website. Adding the timer will help people catch the timing. Be sure to make this page correctly because it will oil the mode of your visitors whether they will return or not after maintenance is done.

This blog is brought to you by Element Pack, the all-in-one Elementor widget pack in the world. Thank you for reading this blog. Good day!

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